

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, feel free to contact us!


What’s service like?
Services last about an hour and fifteen minutes. You will enjoy video announcements, worship, time for ministry, the message, time for prayer, and the offering. Sometimes we have special speakers and live dramatic elements.
When are services?
We have multiple locations with differing service times. Checkout our locations page for specifics on service times & locations.


Where can I find you?
We have two campuses, in Burnsville and Owatonna, MN. Go to our Locations page for more details.


Is Destiny Christian Church in a denomination?
Destiny Christian Church is a nondenominational church. For accountability purposes, we are members of the Association of Faith Churches and Ministries (AFCM) and are a Champion Network Church (Joel and Victoria Osteen). Our mission and passion is to reach people, touch lives, and make a difference in our neighborhoods, communities, nation, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Can I wear jeans?
Absolutely! At our services, you will see people dressed in everything from jeans to their Sunday best. We want you to come as you are.
I’m new, will I feel uncomfortable?
We hope not! We have lots of visitors all the time and try to make everyone comfortable. Our Starting Point is a place where you can get a great cup of coffee, receive a free gift for coming to service, and can ask questions you may have about Destiny. It is open after all regular weekend services.
What about my kids?
We have child services for all ages of kids. More info can be found at Kid Zone and Edge Youth. Each ministry is designed to make church relevant and exciting, so they will want to come back again!
What about my car?
We have a parking lot as well as off street parking available.
Where do I go when I arrive?
Our services are in the main sanctuary, which is to the right in the main lobby. If you have any questions, greeters at the entrance can show you where to go.
Am I pressured to give?
Absolutely not! We have an offering at each service, but we believe that giving is something that you do because you want to, not because you are pressured. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy worship and check us out and should not feel they have to participate.
Do I have to join?
No, you are welcome to worship with us at any time.
What about communion?
We share communion on the last Wednesday of every month at our midweek service in Burnsville.
Are you a hand-raising bunch?
Yes, you do find that when we get excited about God here at Destiny, we raise our hands.
Can I watch you online?
Yes, we air our services live online and you can also rewatch our Latest Sermons on YoutTubeat any time.
Who are Joe & Vicki Braucht?
Joe & Vicki are the founding and Senior Pastors at Destiny.


Are Pastors Joe and Vicki ordained?
Yes, they were ordained over 20 years ago through Word of Faith Church. Since that time, they have received ordination credentials through several other organizations including a Doctorate of Divinity from Transworld Accrediting Commission International.
What do you believe about healing?
We believe that Jesus died on the cross so we could be saved and experience the promises of God right here on earth. God’s promises include healing for us today. According to the Word, we access healing through faith in the finished work of Christ.
Does Destiny support a political candidate or party?
No, we do not. We talk from the pulpit about values that guide our lives and provide Bible-based teaching on these issues, which sometimes are a focus in elections. We will not, and do not, support one party or candidate over another.
Does Destiny conduct a legal audit?
Yes, we have an independent auditing firm conduct an audit every year. A copy of the annual report is made available to the congregation every February.

© 2024 Destiny Christian Church